Valla and the tribal law and order act

Last updated: March 11, 2015

Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010. PL 111-211, (Congress passed the legislation as part of another bill regarding Indian Arts and Crafts. See Title II.)

Watch a video of President Obama signing the Tribal Law and Order Act, including an introduction from Lisa Marie Lyotte.

Legislative History of the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010

Indian Law & Order Commission
Created by the TLOA, this independent, all-volunteer advisory group is charged with developing specific proposal for improving public policy. See: the report of the Indian Law and Order Commission (ILOC): "A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer" 11/12/013.

Related Online Resources:

Tribal Law and Order Resource Center, National Congress of American Indians

Related News, Articles, Reports & Books:

Enhanced Sentencing in Tribal Courts: Lessons Learned from Tribes. Christine Folsom-Smith, Director, The National Tribal Judicial Center, January 2015

"New Law Attempts to Bring Justice to Indian Country" from Indian Country Today Media, December 1, 2011

Podcast on the Tribal Law and Order Act from Legal Current, featuring Professor Matthew Fletcher

"Tribal Law and Order Act Background" from the National Congress of American Indians

Read commentary and information on the law and related issues.

American Bar Association's Letter in Support of the Tribal Law and Order Act

Federal Bar Association's Letter in Support of the Tribal Law and Order Act

Letter in Support of the Tribal Law and Order Act from former United States Attorneys Heffelfinger and Eid

"Bringing Justice to Indian Country" from former United States Attorney Troy Eid, in The Denver Post, August 3, 2010

Department of Justice and the Department of the Interior in collaboration with the Work Group on Corrections, Tribal Law and Order Act: Long Term Plan to Build and Enhance Tribal Justice Systems. August 2011

Troy Eid, "The Tribal Law and Order Act: An 'Aggressive Fight' Worth Winning," from Federal Lawyer, March/April, 2010. 57-APR Fed. Law. 34 (On Westlaw)

Matthew Handler, "Tribal Law and Disorder: A Look at a System of Broken Justice in Indian Country and the Steps Needed to Fix It," from Brooklyn Law Review, Fall, 2009. 75 Brook. L. Rev. 261 (On Westlaw)

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