Dimensional Analysis - Unit Conversion

This is a great video. Pay attention, take notes. You will be expected to have a begining of an understanding of dimensional analysis.

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Dimensional Analysis - Metric to Metric Conversions

This screencast shows several examples of how to use dimensional analysis to convert metric to metric units.

Dimensional Analysis - English to English Unit Conversions

This screencast shows several examples of how to use dimensional analysis to convert English to English units.

Dimensional Analyis - English to Metric and Metric to English Conversions

This screencast shows several examples of how to use dimensional analysis to convert metric to English and English to metric units.

English to English Dimensional Analysis Worksheet 01

This worksheet will give you practice in converting English units to other English units. Use dimensional analysis showing all of your work.

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Source: Mr. Smith

Metric to Metric Conversion Worksheet 01

This worksheet contains practice problems in converting units from metric to metric. This is to be used to practice setting up and utilizing dimensional analysis.

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Source: Mr. Smith

Dimensional Analysis - English to Metric, Metric to English Worksheet 01

Use this worksheet to practice using dimensional analysis to convert between English and metric units. Remember to show all of your work for each step.

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Source: Mr. Smith

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