Mark this field to enter the original data (as of the last time the return was printed) in the amount fields. Mark this field before printing the amended federal return, if it is also being prepared.
Overpayment allowed on the original tax return Enter the amount of refund shown (or adjusted) on the original return for the current year. Amount paid with the original returnEnter the amount paid with or after filing the original return for the current year including penalty and interest.
Interest and penaltiesUse this field to enter interest. UltraTax CS doesn’t automatically calculate interest if there is a balance due.
Form IN-114 Estimates RecalculatedUse this section to prevent the recalculation of the estimated taxes that were prepared based on the original return filed.
Don’t recalculate estimated tax paymentsUltraTax CS won't recalculate estimates based on any changes to the return when this box is marked. The vouchers and the estimated tax filing instructions won't print. UltraTax CS proformas the estimated tax amounts from the VTAmend screen,
1st payment through 4th payment Overpayment applied to estimated tax fields, in the Originally calculatedIf you want estimate vouchers to print with the amended return, using the originally calculated amounts, don’t use this checkbox. Select code